I Wish(Song by maimie)(フル音源Ver.)
あした目がさめてまくらのちかくに おくりものひとつ約束をくれた お菓子のおうち宝石の花 ほしいものひとつどれにしょうかな 「みんな幸せでありますように」って おそわったとおりお祈りのことば 窓の外には雪がひらり 夢の中ならあたたかいかな ひつじの代わりに 願い事だけひとつひとつ数えた いびつな願いときれいな偽り みがいて抱きしめても突き刺さる 嘘と約束と真実と祈り 神様どうか聞いて 思いをそっと抱いて いつか目がさめて日だまりの中で 一度だけでいい笑顔で会いたい 夜空の星もおおきな犬も なにもいらないよいい子にするから 胸のおくふかく引き出しの中に たからものひとつ大切にしまう 窓の外には雪がひらり 夢の中ならあたたかいかな 毛布のかわりに 乾いた噓をひとつひとつ重ねた 希望のふりして悪魔が笑うよ 助けを呼ぶ声すら届かない 信じたものから傷つけるのなら 神様なんていらない 返してどうかお願い いびつな願いときれいな偽り みがいて抱きしめても突き刺さる 嘘と約束と真実と祈り 神様どうか聞いて 思いをそっと抱いて
Tomorrow, when I wake up, right beside my pillow There'll be a present just for me, That's what you promised Maybe a house made of sweets? Or a flower made of jewels? If I can only have one thing Which one shall I choose? "May everyone be full of happiness" I said a prayer jus like you taught me, Snow is fluttering outside my window But maybe I'd be warmer if I were dreaming Instead of counting sheep I counted all my wishes, one by one My wish is so twisted My lie, so beatiful I try polish them nice and hold them close, But all they do is stab me All the lies and promises, the truths and prayers If you can hear me, God Please, hold this wish of mine close Someday, when I wake up I want the sun to be shining down on me All I ask is for one chance To get to smile together with them again All the stars up in the night sky, or even a big, fluffy dog I don't need anything at all, I'll be good, I promise In the box I keep deep down inside my heart I tuck my precious treasure away, safe and sound Snow is fluttering outside my window But maybe I'd be warmer if I were dreaming Instead of warm blankets I layered my dried up lies on top of me, one by one Behind ther saintly disguise, the devil smirks and sneers I'm calling for help again and again But no one hears my voice If whatever I believe in is what you choose to hurt first Then I don't need a God anymore I beg you, give me back all that I adore My wish is so twisted My lie, so beatiful I try polish them nice and hold them close, But all they do is stab me All the lies and promises, the truths and prayers If you can hear me, God Please, hold this wish of mine close
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